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Showing posts with the label Worst Things About Losing your Hair

10 Worst Things About Hair Loss

Here's why hair loss is one of the worst things to go through...  Hair loss can be one of the most soul-sapping things that an man or woman can go through in life. Losing your hair isn't much fun at all, and without a cure, it's no a problem that's about to go away any time soon.  Here, we look at the 10 worst things about losing your hair. Be it physical, or mental, here, in no particular order, are the most undesirable things about experiencing baldness and thinning hair.  1. Reduced self-esteem Hair loss can cause a reduction in self-esteem and confidence, especially in individuals who place great value on their appearance. Your hair can become your identity, and once you start losing it, you can feel like you are also losing a part of your identify.  2. Negative impact on social life People who experience hair loss may become self-conscious and avoid social activities or events because of their appearance. This is a lot more common than you may think, with a larg...

What is the Worst Thing About Hair Loss?

The 5 Worst Things About Losing your Hair Over 60% of men and nearly 40% of women will suffer from some stage of baldness by the time they reach the age of 40.  With the statistic so high, it is no surprise that the hair loss treatment market is estimated to be worth over £1.5 billion, and rising. Hair loss is the most soul-sapping condition any man or women can suffer with, and so, based on customer feedback from the highly rated hair treatment pill HR23+, we go through a list of the worst things about losing your hair. You are the only person losing your hair You think you're imagining it at first, but as you go balder, you notice all your friends and family seem to have thick, luscious locks. Why aren't they losing their hair too?  Going bald can be a very lonely place, especially if you are the only person in your circle of friends that seems to be going through it. You lose your identity It may sound a little dramatic, but losing your hair is a very serious m...